Channel Veeners

Oak Crown Cut Fumé Moonring

Oak Crown Cut Fumé Moonring. European Oak is one of the most [...]

Maple USA Quarter Cut

Maple USA Quarter Cut. Maple is also Known as Hard Maple or [...]

Maple USA Crown Cut

Maple USA Crown Cut. Maple is also Known as Hard Maple or [...]

Sycamore Quarter Cut Frissé

Sycamore Quarter Cut Frissé Sycamore, also called Arce or Maple, can be [...]

Sycamore Crown Cut

Sycamore Crown Cut Sycamore, also called Arce or Maple, can be found [...]

Linden Crown Cut

Linden Crown Cut. Linden tree is found in North America, East coast [...]

Lati Quarter Cut Azabache

Lati Quarter Cut Azabache. This coarse wood is fairly common in much [...]

Lati Quarter Cut Avellana

Lati Quarter Cut Avellana This coarse wood is fairly common in much [...]

Koto Quarter Cut Ceniza

Koto Quarter Cut Ceniza. Koto Tree, also Known as Impa, Ako or [...]

Koto Quarter Cut Avellana

Koto Quarter Cut Avellana. Koto Tree, also Known as Impa, Ako or [...]
