Channel Veeners

Beech Crown Cut Fumé

Beech wood is a hard and clear natural material. Its grain is [...]

Pine Crown Cut Grey GBF103

Pine Crown Cut Grey GBF103 P. pinaster is a hard, fast growing [...]

Oak Crown Cut Aged Flaky

Oak Crown Cut Aged Flaky. European Oak is one of the most [...]

Oak Crown Cut Aged Flaky Feelwood

Oak Crown Cut Aged Flaky Feelwood. European Oak is one of the [...]

Larch Crown Cut

Larch Crown Cut. Larch Crown Cut is also known as SiberianLarch or [...]

Eucalyptus Crown Cut Thermo-Treated

Eucalyptus Crown Cut Thermo-Treated Eucalyptus hails from Australia and is commonly called Lyptus. This [...]

Eucalyptus Crown Cut Feelwood

Eucalyptus Crown Cut Feelwood. Eucalyptus hails from Australia and is commonly called [...]

Eucalyptus Crown Cut Aged

Eucalyptus Crown Cut Aged Eucalyptus hails from Australia and is commonly called [...]

Cherry European Crown Cut

Cherry European Crown Cut. Its warm and natural appearance with its clear colour [...]

Beech Crown Cut White

Beech Crown Cut White Its warm and natural appearance with its clear [...]
