Channel Veeners


Sapele Quarter Cut Feelwood

Sapele Quarter Cut Feelwood Horizontal 2

Sapele Quarter Cut Feelwood.

Sapele is exotic among the wood species, but at all rare and traditionally very used.

Most of this trees come from West Africa, from Liberia to Angola, but also it can be found in East and Central Africa.

This kind of wood has a weak pink to dark red heartwood, quickly darkening to a red brown in time. One of the most traditional feature of Sapele is the interlocked and visible grain.

It is a hard wood, reason why it has been used as construction lumber, but its bright and fine texture which makes of this wood a very common choice in the interior design, furniture, paneling or doors.

Organic mesh.

Depending on the cutting technique, we can obtain interesting effects. In this case, we get a shining striped veneer with a simple outer aspect by cutting Sapele in quarters, whereas a tangential flat cut procures a clearly defined pattern because of its interlocked grain.

Actually, Feelwood is a kind of textured finishing developed by ourselves, which consist in a rough cut effect that contrasts with the quarter cut pattern, creating a mesh effect, but always with the natural material felling present.

That is why Sapele gives you the possibility to fill rooms with a subtle exotic African scent, or even can be used as a deliberate contrast to modern elements. It is a perfect way to come back to the natural feeling, but with a new point of view. Texture, grain and colour of Sapele Quarter Cut Feelwod shows us the infinite possibilities that we still have not discovered in an anthique wood material.


Cities - Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora

PEFC - Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification

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CHANNEL VENEERS is the world's first veneer company by number of references. We offer hundreds of different wood surfaces that fit every project. We supply rare species, modified wood surfaces and exclusive decorative wood veneers for building, automotive, nautic and furniture sectors all over the world.
